這個軟件是一個救星! 我有一個老的iMac與OS 9.2 on it using Outlook Express for Mac. 它有電子郵件3GB. I imported everything into Apple Mail (與OS更新的Mac 10.4) and then everything from Apple Mail onto a directory store on a Windows PC. I then used EmlToPst to combine all the emails (感謝上帝,它保留了文件夾結構) into a usable .PST file for MS Outlook 2007 在Windows 7.
Reece Dodds
We did a successful test migration of emails from Thunderbird to Outlook 2010 using your conversion software, seamless.
Robert Crossland
EML到PST轉換器是一個很好的和方便實用. 它救了我很多的時間和精力. I have couple of archives of .eml files. Each archive was more than 2國標 and I had to import them into my email (GMail的). I chose to migrate using outlook 2007. As outlook does not recognize .eml files, 只是另一種方式是將這些項目導入Outlook Express中,然後再導入到Outlook. It was a tiresome process to setup 2gb worth of data with all the folders into outlook express. You little utility worked like a charm and created an .PST 文件 for me preserving the folder structure. 感謝偉大的工具.
SRIKANTH Kaligotla
I used the software to copy 和 兌換 一個 mbox email container from an Apple laptop to a PC 和 convert it to PST format for viewing in 外表. I needed to migrate my email from Apple to PC. I Was slightly confused as to whether I needed to convert the emlx files in the 盒子 container (它的Windows解釋為一個文件夾) using mboxtoeml prior to running the program – but five mins of testing clarified the situation, 無需現有的處理和所有很好. 偉大的產品! Got me out of a difficult situation quickly and simply – very fast and error free. 保持良好的工作.
我有與Windows的新計算機 7. It doesn’t work with my old email-program “Outlook Express中”. 現在我使用Outlook, but with this program I can not open all my emails. 所以,我發現你的程序, 我只能說, it works great and fast.I convert all my older mails, 我沒有問題. I’m really happy, 太感謝了!!!
I can sum up my experience with your software in one word: fantastic! My old iMac is dying and I had to convert my emails.
John Olson
After using windows vista for more then a year I decided to switch back to the other brother – Windows XP中. When I formatted my laptop I saved my emails as EML format and not as PST. Your software is very easy to use and did the job within seconds. 謝謝!
因為你說會做你的方案確實做到了. 它轉換電子郵件文件的.pst容易. 該接口是很容易理解和程序準確無誤地執行. 一個偉大的產品. My only query is why can’t Microsoft include such a converter. 這尤其是因為我的情況下 從Windows Live Mail的文件轉換到Outlook – 兩者都是微軟產品! 一個偉大的產品.
我做了一個客場之旅,並用我的筆記本電腦需要, 它運行在Vista, to temporarily do my email. 與使用明顯的工具 遠景 was 視窗郵件. 按說我使用 外表 2007 我的XP桌面計算機上. When I got home from the trip I had over 80 emails that I wanted to 從Windows Mail導入的筆記本電腦到Outlook我的桌面上. 我首先驗證, 使用試用版, 這EmlToPst真的會帶有附件的電子郵件轉換為.pst,我可以在Outlook中打開 2007. 而在最後,, I feel like you rescued me from a terrible nightmare at a bargain price. I was only too pleased to get the emails and their attachments copied over and intact, 即使它確實需要大量手工操作 (這可能, 我要補充, 對於那些在這些方面經驗有限,很難或根本不可能). 謝謝了 “生命保護程序”.
Don Zurstadt [ 請點擊這裡閱讀完整的故事 ]
我有一些舊的郵件EML擴展,我需要用Outlook打開, 所以我轉換他們PST擴展它工作得很好. 謝謝.
丹尼爾小號. 迪克森
I had motherboard failure on a laptop. I had to remove the hard drive and use it externally to get at email messages and convert from Windows Mail to Outlook 2007 at the same time. Your software worked flawlessly.
我用了你的軟件 從Windows Vista中移動電子郵件 使用Windows Mail機更新 (在就地更新) 到Windows 7 使用Outlook. 我們遇到的問題是, 升級到Windows 7 排除我們再次運行窗口郵件的能力,所以我們使用它失去任何導出功能等剛剛一堆文件,並沒有應用程序運行它們. After researching ways to do this, 我在您的網站上運行,它只是似乎做到這一點的最簡單方法. 關於唯一的問題我遇到的,它可能只是我沒有時間弄清楚,因為我們是在時間約束下一個方法,可能只選擇從電子郵件Say 收件箱文件夾 可轉換並導入. 此人已配置了多個文件夾和郵件有一個龐大的, 包括28K電子郵件中刪除的文件夾單獨. 我的解決方法是簡單地手動刪除文件了刪除的郵件文件夾中使用Windows資源管理器. All in all your product did solve our problem and was fairly simple and intuitive to use.
Using the tool was a snap. I integrated my Vista based Windows Mail EML files into a PST file for importing into Outlook 2003. The process went fine.
Jeff Phillips
我使用該產品來幫助我找工作. 它恢復舊的Thunderbird電子郵件,這樣我可以得到我與他曾供職獵頭公司的名稱.
哦,我的天啊! Nothing wrong… I just had to say thanks! 這會容易得多? 我想不多!!! After Googling and reading every blog and article I could find on getting my email off the 蘋果 (郵件應用) 然後回來 進入 Outlook 2007......我偶然發現你的應用程序! $20 和 10 幾分鐘後......我做! No copying this, 該進口, 安裝 Outlook Express中, 揉你的肚子一邊拍著你的頭和單腳站立!!! Just click, 點選, 點擊...我的電子郵件又回來了! Wonderful! 祝福你!
它的工作大, 非常容易使用和運行的程序沒有問題. I was able to convert my Outlook Express的EML文件到Outlook. 當我 “升級了” 從Vista到Windows 7 (一個巨大的錯誤) 該公司宣布的Windows Mail不再可用,我發現其他電子郵件程序, 如Outlook的所謂繼任者 的Windows Live Mail, 外表, 和 Mozilla Thunderbird中, 不會導入EML文件. The only slight problem is that my mail msgs all had virus scan tags generated by AVG. 因為某些原因, EML到PST轉換器處理這些作為附件, 所以我所有的電子郵件被標示為有附件, 這意味著我可以不再掃描舊的郵件,說有附件. 微軟為什麼讓我經歷這一切的麻煩是任何人的猜測. 我想他們只是鄙視他們的客戶和喜歡做邪惡的事情給他們. I imagine there thousands of other people with the same problem and I wonder if they will find their way to your software.
非常感謝給我你的郵箱EML的轉換. It really did solve my urgent and intractable problem of moving from an old email program called 收費公路, 我已經使用了 15 年份, 但在 Windows 下不起作用 7 64 位. 令人驚訝的是轉換器是免費的 – 和我在一個週六的直接和良好的支持!
Kind regards
我已經成功了! 我已經從出口 收費公路, 用你的 MBOX到EML提取 tool on the export and copied results into Outlook Express中. 許多, 非常感謝!
EML to PST Converter works very well I have convert all my thousands of email from EML file to PST. 偉大的軟件.